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Dear Numedx,

I'd like to take the time to thank and commend you...There is a Proverb: to acquire knowledge, one must study; to acquire wisdom, one must observe. I believe you have made an exception to this rule. [Today, so many people] are blind, not because they need glassesÑit's because of lack of education. Your magazine has opened my mind, body, and soul. To me it is much more than Health, Medicine, and Nutrition. Thank You! HIV/AIDS is like a bomb, the more the gunpowder, the bigger the explosion. And I believe we are at atomic level already. I had the pleasure of being taught by a man...he not only opened my eyes, but my heart and mind to what this Holocaust is doing. I call it so because a lot of people are sitting back and not doing anything once again. Well I'm not going to sit back; it's not in me.
Thank You!
Don't change, Please!
Arba (Missouri)

Dear Editor,

I must say, your journal Numedx is just wonderful. Someone passed it on to me at my doctor's office and...I have never read such a wonderful magazine, so full of info. I never realized how much was out there, and your journal has it all. Being HIV+ myself, I can use all the information I can get. Please keep up the good work. I am truly very happy with Numedx ...
Thank you,
In unity,
Gloria (New York City)


Just sent a request and comment to the main website...I wanted to be sure you personally receive the praise. I like to think I stay current with HIV/AIDS information, and living here in Seattle, I have of course "STEP" (Seattle Treatment Exchange Project) and the Bastyr Natural Health Clinic, along with my very well-educated HMO (Group Health Cooperative) HIV Doctor. I also receive many journals,including Project Inform, STEP, info Pack, Positively Aware, and BETA. I must say, you have something different to offer, which is factual information, in an easy-to-read format. I just want to let you know, your hard work and dedication shows, and I feel very fortunate to receive this free publication, that provides a wealth of great information. I also love the artwork...
Thank you very much,
Brian (Online)

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