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Bristol-Myers Squibb is pleased to announce the formation of a new organization - BMS Virology - singularly focused on the treatment of people with HIV/AIDS. For over a decade, Bristol-Myers Squibb has been a global leader in the HIV field and is committed to its mission to extend and enhance the lives of people with HIV/AIDS. The company has been focused on finding innovative treatments for people with HIV since 1988 and continues to strengthen its commitment to eradicating this global scourge.


ProCare Pharmacy is the nation's leading specialty pharmacy. ProCare is a full service pharmacy providing comprehensive pharmaceutical care to clients living with chronic, challenging health conditions, such as HIV and AIDS, transplantation and fertility.
Clients are provided with personalized services from expert pharmacists, medications counseling, adherence monitoring, reimbursement counseling, and nationwide delivery. Procare currently provides care to over 50,000 customers on a national basis, more than 24,000 which are living with HIV/AIDS.
For more information regarding ProCare call .


GlaxoSmithKline is a pharmaceutical industry leader in HIV research and therapies. In 1998, Glaxo Wellcome sponsored more than 180 clinical trials to better understand how currently marketed compounds benefit patients.
As a leader in the development of HIV therapies, GlaxoSmithKline is involved in numerous initiatives on the federal, state and local levels that address issues of delivery of care for people infected with HIV.
In addition to their own extensive research program, the company is involved in numerous efforts to work with others involved in the development of new advances in HIV therapies, vaccines, and diagnostics. The company is an active participant in the Inter-Company Collaboration for AIDS Drug Development Group, a group of
pharmaceutical companies formed in 1993 to facilitate early combination and comparative studies of antiviral agents for the treatment of HIV disease.
GlaxoSmithKline is a research-based company whose people are committed to fighting disease by bringing innovative medicine and services to patients throughout the world and the healthcare providers who serve them.


A recent scientific study conducted at Nassau County Medical Center in New York strongly indicates that an over-the-counter dietary supplement called Juven can markedly enhance lean muscle tissue gain in AIDS patients with no apparent harmful side effects. It can also improve body composition, which appears to be a strong indicator of AIDS progression. Juven is made with mixture of HMB/Arg/Gln, which are selected amino acids. In the study, those given a placebo or fake supplement continued to lose about 1.5 pounds a week. One patient in particular who was suffering from wasting had lost 28 pounds, but regained 16 pounds during only eight weeks in the study. Juven is now covered by Medicaid in New York and New Jersey. Ask your physician or healthcare provider about Juven. Or call MTI BioTech toll free at 877-GO-JUVEN ().


At Ortho Biotech Products, L.P., we're in the business of helping seriously ill people get better and feel stronger. We have products that may help extend and enhance people's lives. We market prescription medications for correcting the anemias associated with cancer chemotherapy for patients with nonmyeloid malignancies; AZT-treated, HIV-infected patients; chronic kidney disease patients not on dialysis; patients with other serious conditions; and elective, noncardiac, nonvascular, surgery patients. We also provide treatments for organ transplant rejection, a rare form of leukemia, cancer pain and life-threatening fungal infections. We are a global organization with headquarters in Raritan, New Jersey, and Saunderton, United Kingdom, and are a member of the Johnson & Johnson family of companies. We have a passion for the work we do and compassion for the patients and providers we serve. We continually seek new ways of meeting the needs of the health care community through new products and technologies, and new programs that help doctors, nurses, patients, caregivers, patient advocates and other health care professionals derive greater benefit from what we have to offer. We're proud of what we've accomplished and how many lives we've made better.


Roche Diagnostics recently received marketing approval from the FDA for its Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor UltraSensitive Method. This test is now the most sensitive means to measure levels of HIV circulating in an infected persons blood (viral load). The test can measure levels previously considered undetectabledown to 50 copies per millimeter of plasma. The approval is considered a significant advance in the battle against HIV. Published studies indicate that lowering plasma HIV RNA to below 50 copies/mL is associated with a more complete and durable viral suppression. Physicians will now have a clearer picture of therapeutic effectiveness against the HIV virus. Ask your physician or healthcare provider about Amplicor UltraSensitive and Roche products and information.


Roche Pharmaceuticals provides support for targeted AIDS-related community education, prevention and outreach programs throughout the U.S. But our toughest battles are fought in the laboratory and the clinic. A leader in virology, we have been active in the search for better ways to diagnose and treat HIV/AIDS since the earliest days of the epidemic. And were in the fight for good.

CVS ProCare Pharmacies BMS Virology MTI Biotech Roche Laboratories GlaxoSmithKline Ortho-Biotech Roche Diagnostics