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Without the support of our sponsors we would not be able to present Numedx at no cost to our readers.

Roche Diagnostics

Roche recently received marketing approval from the FDA for its Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor UltraSensitive Method. This test is now the most sensitive means to measure levels of HIV circulating in an infected persons blood ("viral load"). The test can measure levels previously considered "undetectable"down to 50 copies per millimeter of plasma. The approval is considered a significant advance in the battle against HIV. Published studies indicate that lowering plasma HIV RNA to below 50 copies/ mL is associated with a more complete and durable viral suppression. Physicians will now have a clearer picture of therapeutic effectiveness against the HIV virus. Ask your physician or healthcare provider about Amplicor UltraSensitive and Roche products and information.

Merck & Co

Going the distance. Research and development of innovative treatments for HIV. Working together with community organizations that provide service and care to people living with HIV.

Glaxo Wellcome

Glaxo Wellcome is a pharmaceutical industry leader in HIV research and therapies. In 1998, Glaxo Wellcome sponsored more than 180 clinical trials to better understand how currently marketed compounds benefit patients.

As a leader in the development of HIV therapies, Glaxo Wellcome is involved in numerous initiatives on the federal, state and local levels that address issues of delivery of care for people infected with HIV.

In addition to their own extensive research program, the company is involved in numerous efforts to work with others involved in the development of new advances in HIV therapies, vaccines, and diagnostics. The company is an active participant in the Inter-Company Collaboration for AIDS Drug Development Group, a group of pharmaceutical companies formed in 1993 to facilitate early combination and comparative studies of antiviral agents for the treatment of HIV disease.

Glaxo Wellcome is a research-based company whose people are committed to fighting disease by bringing innovative medicine and services to patients throughout the world and the healthcare providers who serve them.

DuPont Pharmaceuticals

DuPont Pharmaceuticals is a worldwide business that focuses on research, development, and delivery of pharmaceuticals to treat unmet medical needs in the fights against HIV, cardiovascular disease, central nervous system disorders, cancer and arthritis-related disorders. DuPont Pharma- ceuticals is also a leader in medical imaging.

DuPont is a science company, delivering science-based solutions that make a difference in people's lives in food and nutrition; health care, apparel; home and construction; electronics; and transportation. Founded in 1802, the company operates in 65 countries and has 94,000 employees.

CVS ProCare Pharmacy

CVS ProCare Pharmacy is the nation's leading specialty pharmacy. CVS ProCare is a full service pharmacy providing comprehensive pharmaceutical care to clients living with chronic, challenging health conditions, such as HIV and AIDS, transplantation and fertility.

Clients are provided with personalized services from expert pharmacists, medications counseling, adherence monitoring, reimbursement counseling, and nationwide delivery. CVS ProCare currently provides care to over 50,000 customers on a national basis, more than 24,000 which are living with HIV/AIDS.

For more information regarding CVS ProCare call .

Roche Laboratories

Roche provides support for targeted AIDS-related community education, prevention and outreach programs throughout the U.S. But our toughest battles are fought in the laboratory and the clinic. A leader in virology, we have been active in the search for better ways to diagnose and treat HIV/AIDS since the earliest days of the epidemic. And were in the fight for good.


Sticking to an HIV drug regimen is a real challenge, but MediMOM (<www.medimom.com>) can help by allowing you to design a schedule of reminders that are discreetly sent to your pager or cell phone whenever you wish.

But MediMOM does much more.

What about all the other "To Dos" that clutter our days? Business, medical and social appointments, calls to return, errands to run...MediMOMs appointment reminder feature lets you turn your pager or cell phone into your ever-present personal assistant. It only takes a few seconds to input those "cant miss" tasks into MediMOM and youll receive reminders at the designated times. Whether its buying milk or taking meds, rely on MediMOM to keep you on schedule.

Unimed Pharmaceuticals

Unimed Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc., focuses on drugs with multiple indications in the therapeutic areas of hypertension, endocrinology, urology, HIV and other infectious diseases.

Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. of Marietta, Georgia, is a research-based pharmaceuticals company, active in the therapeutic areas of cardiology, gastroenterology, mental health and womens health. It is a member of the worldwide Solvay Group of chemical and pharmaceutical companies, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.


A recent scientific study conducted at Nassau County Medical Center in New York strongly indicates that an over-the-counter dietary supplement called Juven can markedly enhance lean muscle tissue gain in AIDS patients with no apparent harmful side effects. It can also improve body composition, which appears to be a strong indicator of AIDS progression. Juven is made with mixture of HMB/Arg/Gln, which are selected amino acids. In the study, those given a placebo or fake supplement continued to lose about 1.5 pounds a week. One patient in particular who was suffering from wasting had lost 28 pounds, but regained 16 pounds during only eight weeks in the study. Juven is now covered by Medicaid in New York and New Jersey. Ask your physician or healthcare provider about Juven. Or call MTI BioTech toll free at 877-GO-JUVEN ().

Roxane Laboratories

Roxane Laboratories/Boehringer Ingelheim has been committed to the HIV/AIDS community for the past decade. This commitment has resulted in the availability of new therapies for the treatment of HIV/ AIDS and AIDS-related disorders. Both Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Roxane Laboratories, Inc., are subsidiaries of Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation (Ridgefield, CT). The Boehringer Ingelheim group of companies, with headquarters in Ingelheim, Germany, has more than 140 affiliated companies and conducts business on every continent. Its product range is focused on human pharmaceuticals -- hospital, prescription and self-medication -- as well as animal health.

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CVS ProCare Pharmacies BMS Virology MTI Biotech Roche Laboratories GlaxoSmithKline Ortho-Biotech Roche Diagnostics