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Message from Richard C. Holbrooke

The HIV/AIDS epidemic is perhaps the greatest single social challenge facing our generation and the worst public health crisis in at least six hundred years. HIV/AIDS directly threatens the security and prosperity not only of the highly affected countries, but our global society. Business has a key role to play in fighting this disease. Yet despite the enormous threat this epidemic poses to workforces and social and economic security, the business community, as a whole, has been far too slow to respond.
The Global Business Council on HIV/AIDS seeks to change the business response to this epidemic. We seek a dramatic increase in the number of companies committed to working to turn the tide of HIV/AIDS. AIDS should be a core business issue for every companyparticularly those operating in heavily affected regions around the world. Governments and civil society must recognize and place greater emphasis on the valuable contribution business can make, if we are to stop the spread of this virus.

Richard C. Holbrooke
President and CEO,
The Global Business
Council on HIV/AIDS

CVS ProCare Pharmacies Unimed Pharmaceuticals Inc. Juven with HMB Roche Laboratories GlaxoSmithKline Ortho-Biotech Roche Diagnostics