We are interested in your thoughts. If you are a hiv/aids Healthcare Provider, please take a moment to respond to the following:
1. Average number of HIV viral load tests ordered per patient/per year.
2. Type of viral load assay used: Amplicor Quantiplex Nuclisense Proprietary Don't know
3. What is the target HIV viral load that you are treating for? <50 copies/mL <400 copies/mL
4. Do you routinely test your HIV-positive patients for Hepatitis C? Yes No
If yes, what is the frequency of testing? Yearly Once at intake Variable Don't Test
5. Do you monitor Hepatitis C-positive patients with a viral load assay? Always Sometimes Never
We are interested in your thoughts. If you are a hiv/aids patient, please take a moment to respond to the following:
1. How many HIV viral load tests did you have over the last 12 months?
2. Do you know the type of viral load assay that is used to monitor your HIV status? Amplicor Quantiplex Nuclisense Proprietary Don't know
3. Do you know what your viral load range is? <50 copies/mL 50-400 copies/mL <400 copies/mL
4. Have you ever been tested for Hepatitis C? Yes No
If yes, when was your last test? 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996
5. If you are Hepatis C-positive, does your healthcare provider monitor your status using a Hepatitis C viral-load assay? Yes No Don't know