Volume 1, Number 1: AIDS-related Wasting Syndrome Issue
- From the publisher David W. Purdy
- The Numedx Experience
- Letter From Washington Sandra Thurman
- A letter from the Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy
- In The Works
- The latest news about AIDS research and ongoing clinical studies
- We have lost a friend
- Diana, Princess of Wales
- Wasting GuideTadd Scott Lazarus, m.d. and David W. Purdy
- A guide for physicians, patients and other healthcare providers about fighting AIDS-related wasting syndrome
- My Life
- How I'm Beating AIDS Wasting Juan Luis Benitez-Vargas
- Having AIDS-related wasting syndrome is like going to hell. If you get a chance to escape it, you'll do whatever is necessary to avoid going back.
- Nutrition
- Calories, proteins are the keys in fighting wasting Robert H. Lehmann
- Maintaining an adequate intake of calories and protein is urgent, in many cases even critical, for people living with HIV, especially those experiencing the involuntary weight loss known as wasting.
- Medicine
- Drug therapies that combat wasting Tadd Scott Lazarus, M.D. and David W. Purdy
- There are a variety of options in the treatment of HIV-related wasting syndrome. Probably the most important concept to remember is that one must diagnose and treat what is treatable
- Exercise
- Building lean muscle through exercise Mary Lou Galantino, PHD, PT
- Physical activity from weight training to tai chi combats the effects of wasting
- What's UP
Volume 1, Number 2: HIV in the Brain Issue
- My Life
- Editing life's story into a happy ending Michael Slezak
- Nutrition
- Success of protease inhibitors can depend on dietary factors Marcy Fenton, MS, RD
- For people taking protease inhibitors, the goals of maximizing absorption and enhancing drug levels are intricately linked to diet.
- Medicine
- Report from Geneva Tadd Scott Lazarus, MD
- The 12th International Conference on AIDS in Geneva highlighted the need for further investigation into the neurological aspects of HIV infection.
- Exercise
- What you should know about HIV and Tai Chi Mary Lou Galantino, PHD, PD
- Tai Chi, a Chinese martial art form, over 300-years-old, that is rapidly gaining popularity in the U.S. as an easy and beneficial workout.
- What's UP
Volume 2, Number 1: The Quality of Life Issue. Mind, Body & Soul:
- The Lipodystrophy Syndrome: More Questions than AnswersBill Valenti, M.D.
- One of the major topics at the 12th World Conference on AIDS in Geneva, Switzerland was the discussion of the metabolic changes and changes in body configuration seen in the so-called Liposdystrophy Syndrome
- Adherence to Anti-HIV therapy Kevin King, M.D.
- Adherence to antiretroviral therapy is one of the greatest problems that HIV-infected patients and physicians face.
- The Challenge of Oral Health Steven Abel, D.D.S., M.S.
- Those involved in the oral health care managment of persons with HIV disease have always been acutely aware of the disease impact on oral integrity.
- Dermatology & HIV - Effects on the Mind and Body Mitchell Kline, M.D.
- Those involved in the oral health care managment of persons with HIV disease have always been acutely aware of the disease impact on oral integrity.
- My Life
- Ken Johnson: Dreaming Of The Dog Spencer Cox
- "My life is getting better all the time. I could easily stay in bed and cry into my pillow, but that's not going to get you anywhere."
- Nutrition
- Take a better bite out of life Janelle LÍHeureux, MS, RD and Joya Parenteau, RD
- How the quality of life affects nutrition.
- Medicine
- Painful Sensory Neuropathy - A Rational Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment Howard Aaron Aronow, M.D.
- This article concentrates on a rational approach to the diagnosis and pharmacologic treatment of HIV-associated DSPN. It is a simplified "how-to" designed to assist physicians and other primary health care providers of HIV-positive patients.
- Exercise
- Restorative Yoga: The Antidote To Stress Judith Lasater, Ph.D., P.T.
- Taking time out each day to relax and renew is essential to living well. This book presents nurturing physical postures based on yoga.
- What's UP
Volume 2, Number 2: The Guidelines Issue. HIV Antiretroviral Agent Therapy in Adults & Adolescents:
- The Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV
- These "Guidelines" were developed by the Panel on Clinical Practices for Treatment of HIV infection convened by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
- Nutrition
- Medications, Diet & Nutrition Curtailing Adverse Effects by Irene Romano, R.D.
- People living with HIV and AIDS use various medications to treat the symptoms of HIV and its related opportunistic infections. Medications can have an adverse effect on your nutritional status when interacting with caffeine, alcohol and some nutritional supplements (vitamins and minerals). Therefore, it is important to be aware of these interactions.
- Medicine
- New Technologies Help with Drug Selection and Patient Improve OutcomesBill Valenti M.D. and Tadd Lazarus M.D.
- Results from a study known as the Genotypic Antiretroviral Resistance Testing (GART) Study
- Exercise
- Yoga and HIV Part II by Jnani Chapman, R.N.
- Most people associate yoga with exercise and most yoga classes focus the entire time on physical movement. But yoga is in many ways opposite of exercise and some of the non-movement-oriented practices of yoga can have a profound effect on the physical body.
- Alternative
- HIV Treatment Guidelines: A Good Beginning by Brian K. Goodroad, M.S., R.N., A.C.R.N. Chair, Clinical Issues Advisory Council Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
- Never before has the treatment of HIV disease been more complex. Ongoing advances in our understanding of HIV infection, drug development, and disease monitoring have significantly improved the ability of both clinicians and people with HIV to combat this disease. To assist health care providers caring for those with HIV in understanding the complexities and utilizing antiretroviral agents, a number of organizations have published treatment guidelines.
- What's UP
Volume 2, Number 3: Nutrition Guidelines Implementing HIV/AIDS Medical Nutrition Therapy It's Time Has Come!
- From the publisher David W. Purdy
- Numedx is proud to publish the, Nutrition Guidelines: Implementing HIV/AIDS Medical Nutrition Therapy Protocols. We feel nutrition guidelines are crucial in the success of all HIV-related medication and treatment regimens.
- Guidelines for Implementing HIV/AIDS Medical Nutrition Therapy Protocols
- This document was designed for all participants in HIV care to easily understand the role of HIV medical nutrition therapy in the comprehensive medical management of HIV disease.
- Nutrition
- HIV Medical Nutrition Therapy by Marcy Fenton, M.S., R.D.
- Its time has come!
- Medicine
- Treatment Strategies for Metabolic Abnormalities Bill Valenti M.D.
- Re-Examining Our Approach to HIV Care
- Exercise
- Exercise and HIV by Tadd Lazarus, M.D.
- What the Science Shows
- Alternative
- The Basic HIV+ Herbal Therapy Program by Misha Cohen, O.M.D., L.A.C.
- Prescription for Enhanced Balance and Strength
- What's UP
Volume 3, Number 1: Minorities and HIVDeclaring a state of emergency.
- The National State of Emergency Declaration
- On March 3, 1998, the CDC convened 33 African American leaders to report the incidence of HIV/AIDS in their communities.
- From the publisher David W. Purdy
- Numedx.com declares a state of emergency!
- An Interview with Debra FraserHowze
- Debra FraserHowze is the President/CEO of the New York Citybased National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (BLCA), which she founded in 1987. Under the leadership of Ms. FraserHowze, BLCA has grown to become the oldest and largest Black HIV and AIDS nonprofit organization of its kind in America.
- Medical Records Privacy for People with HIV By Catherine Hanssens
- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed rules creating national standards for the privacy of medical records.
- Minorities and HIV: Calling a State of Emergency
- A history of limited access to quality healthcare, disease prevention, and health promotion has compounded a state of emergency in public health of [African-American] communities.
- Little is known about the neurological manifestations of HIV and AIDS among minorities and women.
- AIDS 2000 CONFERENCE CHAIR ADDRESSES GLOBAL CONCERNS ABOUT DURBAN CONFERENCE By Karen Bennett, Communications Co-Ordinator International and
Fakazile Myeza, Communications Co-Ordinator Africa
- The people of South Africa's holiday city, Durban, are well prepared to welcome about 10,000 delegates of the XIII International AIDS Conference to their city.
- Nutrition
- Minorities and Nutritional Status By Sharon Ann Meyer, AS, AA, DTR
- The HIV/AIDS epidemic disproportionately affects racial and ethnic minority communities.
- Medicine
- HIV/AIDS in Communities of Color Bill Valenti M.D.
- While white MSM still make up almost half the cases of AIDS in the US, people of color have passed the 50% mark
- Exercise
- Exercise has been overlooked as a therapy to treat complications associated with HIV/AIDS
- Complementary
- HEPATITIS C VIRUS INFECTION Epidemiology, Transmission, Western and Chinese Medicine by Misha Cohen, O.M.D., L.A.C.
- Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is increasing in the United States and around the world today.
- Alliances
- Minorities
- Pharmacy
- Nursing
- Quality of Life
- Dermatology
- Oral Health
- Numedx.com HIV News
- Numedx.com Conference News
Volume 3, Number 2: HIV/HCV CO-INFECTION
- Feature
THE NEW EPIDEMIC HIV/HCV CO-INFECTION by: Cynthia Farden, Dr. Tadd Lazarus, and Teresa Hanbey
- From the publisher David W. Purdy
- There is a new epidemic-a silent epidemic- surrounding our communities. It is called HIV/HCV (Hepatitis C) Co-infection.
- Nutrition
- Nutrition and Hepatitis C Virus Infection by: Jennifer Muir Bowers, MS, RD Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Arizona
- The incidence of Hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection is rising rapidly.
- Medicine
- RESISTANCE TESTING: New Information from the Durban Conference and the 2000 HIV Treatment Guidelines Bill Valenti M.D.
- In May, 2000 The International AIDS Society (IAS)USA revised their guidelines to include a discussion of the use of resistance testing in HIV care.
- Exercise
- You have to force yourself off the sofa and out the door.
- Complementary
- HEPATITIS C VIRUS INFECTION Epidemiology, Transmission, Western and Chinese Medicine by Misha Cohen, O.M.D., L.A.C.
- Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is increasing in the United States and around the world today.
- Alliances
- Pharmacy
- Nursing
- Quality of Life
- Mental Health
- Campaign 2000
- Sponsors
- Ukwethemba
- Patient Assistance Program
- Numedx.com News
Volume 3, Number 3: HIV AND THE BRAIN
- Feature
HIV AND THE BRAIN by: H. Aaron Aronow,MD and Elyse J. Singer, MD
- From the publisher David W. Purdy
- Thanks to you, our readers.
- Nutrition
- Progressive Management of AIDS Wasting: Part One by: Sharon Ann Meyer, AS, AA, DTR
- Summaries of NAIC conference sessions.
- Medicine
- HIV-Brain Disease: The Role of Drug AbuseElyse J. Singer, MD
- An explanation of the associated neurologic complications associated with drug use and HIV.
- Exercise
- Exercise Strategies to Cope with Symptoms of HIV-Associated Dementia BY: Mary Jane Detroyer, MS, RD, CDN
- Review of symptoms of HAD and their impact on exercise motivation and what to do about it.
- Complementary
- Using Chinese Traditional Medicine and Natural Therapies to Relieve Depression and Fuzzy Thinking by Misha Cohen, O.M.D., L.A.C.
- Treatment choices designed to resolve disharmonies associated with mental dysfunction.
- Alliances
- Physician
- Nursing
- Physician Assistant
- Pharmacy
- Dietician
- Case Management
- Minorities
- Women
- Quality of Life
- Mental Health
- Lipodystrophy and Metabolic Abnormalities
- Eighty-Eight
- Adherence
- Sponsors
- Ukwethemba
- Message from the White House
- Conference News