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Calories, proteins are the keys in fighting wasting

Maintaining an adequate intake of calories and protein is urgent, in many cases even critical, for people living with HIV, especially those experiencing the involuntary weight loss known as wasting.

Intake of fruits, vegetables and starches may have to be sacrificed to assure that the vital intake of calories and proteins are being met.

To understand the dietary needs of a person fighting wasting, one must first understand the process of wasting. The human body, by weight, is comprised of water, fat, skeleton and "all the rest," which is the protein component of the body known as lean body mass. That protein is the "living you," the part that under normal circumstances, constantly wears out and is replaced. Our hair and nails continue to grow, our skin cells slough off, and so it goes throughout the body, even with our organ tissue and blood components, including T-cells.

When, because of inadequate intake or malabsorption, protein needs go unmet, the body cannot perform the vital function of replacing cells lost through natural attrition. Thus, the body's ability to function becomes compromised. This is wasting.

Wasting is the second most common AIDS-defining condition in America. And even though people who have a lean body mass 10% below ideal can be diagnosed with AIDS, a dip of 3% to 5% below ideal has been shown to be a clinically significant determinant of increased infection. Lean body mass, after all, has been shown to be a more accurate predictor of survival than T-cell counts.

For a man 5' 10" tall who weights 165 pounds, total ideal lean body weight is roughly 70 pounds; a 10% loss of lean body mass would amount to 7 pounds. A 3% loss would be a mere 2.1 pounds. Since lean body mass does not necessarily correlate to overall body weight, these changes must be assessed and accounted for. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is an accurate method of determining this and one of rapidly growing availability.

Some of the challenges people with AIDS face in trying to maintain lean body mass include malabsorption, diminished appetite, financial considerations and even the logistics of preparing food on a regular basis. For the population suffering from wasting, intake of fruits, vegetables and starches may have to be sacrificed to assure that the vital intake of calories and proteins are being met. My advicetoss out the Food Pyramid.

While this may sound drastic, remember that people experiencing wasting burn off calories and protein (macronutrients), much faster than average and that these urgently need to be replenished on a daily basis. Micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) are of less critical concern to the survival of wasting. In times of limited food intake, save your apetite to meet your protein and calorie needs and hedge your bets with a vitamin supplement.

Patients with wasting can get the most bang for their buckcalorie wiseby eating fats, because they are the most calorically dense of all nutrition sources. To limit fat intake (as per the food pyramid) during a bout of wasting would be foolish. Protein intake is equally important in the equation for fighting and preventing wasting among HIV-positive people. You can get your protein in eggs. milk and red meat. If you're not up to eating, a protein drink supplement such as Ensure or Advera will do.

Unfortunately, wasting syndrome involves the body's inability to use fat as an energy source and to inappropriately use muscle (the body's own proteins) for energy instead. This is why AIDS patients with wasting should use a growth hormone or anabolic agent which will allow the body to once again use fat as an appropriate fuel and stop the body from cannibalizing itself. The use of these agents should be discussed between the person with AIDS and an AIDS-knowledgeable physician. The advice and counsel of a reputable, HIV-knowledgeable nutritionist can be invaluable, too. Local AIDS service organizations should be able to help with referrals in your area.

A 1991 study by Richard Beech, M.D., of the University of Miami School of Medicine, showed all patients with HIVboth asymptomatic and symptomaticshould take nutritional supplements from the day they are diagnosed, too, because they can have subclinical nutritional deficiencies at any time period.

Here are a few choice eating tips for people combatting wasting

  • Snack throughout the day to add lots of extra protein and calories.
  • Keep a bowl of hard-boiled eggs handy in the refrigerator. They're your body's favorite, high quality protein.
  • Have cream cheese or salmon spread on crackers.
  • Remember that vegetable-sourced proteins are "incomplete." Balance them to create "complimentary proteins." Any combination of a grain and a legume will do: beans and rice, a peanut butter sandwich (peanuts and wheat), or succotash (lima beans and corn).
  • Milk is excellent if you're not lactose intolerant. Add milk powder to many things to boost protein intake. One cup of skim milk with one quarter cup of dry milk powder has more protein than a small chicken breast or a can of Ensure.

For the asymptomatic, HIV-positive population, dietary needs are actually more similar to the general public than to the population with AIDS-related wasting. Therefore, asymptomatic people would be best advised to follow the food pyramid, though with an added emphasis on overall increased calorie intake and a regimen of nutritional supplements. This is because even the ostensibly asymptomatic are shown to be hyper-metabolic and therefore have elevated caloric requirements.

The food pyramid guidelines look past a mere day's events and help set the course for healthy living over a lifetime by promoting a sensible eating plan to meet all of our daily nutrition requirements, including vitamins, minerals, trace elements, proteins, amino acids and essential fatty acids. With new antiretroviral cocktails, people with HIV have the potential to plan for the next 20, even 40 years, so they need to, for example, reduce their fat intake to help prevent coronary heart disease and ultimately a heart attack.

Keep in mind also that HIV is a uniquely individualized disease and accordingly, so are the needs that buttress a person's survival. These needs, too, can change frequently and dramatically. There is no one best "AIDS Diet" and all of this conceptual shifting can be confusing, especially when one must constantly reassess medications and know how any changes may impact diet and appetite, as well.

On a final note, people have more control of their diet than nearly any other factor affecting their health. To neglect diet is to drastically undermine whatever other efforts are being made to maintain and improve well being. Food is also one of the great opportunities to embrace and participate in life. Enjoy!

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