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Numedx is proud to publish the, Nutrition Guidelines: Implementing HIV/AIDS Medical Nutrition Therapy Protocols. We feel nutrition guidelines are crucial in the success of all HIV-related medication and treatment regimens. If there are, Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents, then why not nutrition. Exercise therapy protocols should be next on all of our lists to complete the package.

As we already know, nutrition is a vital component of anyonepis overall healthcare. Unfortunately, nutrition is also one of the most misunderstood and unappreciated. When most of us think of good nutrition, we think of three balanced meals eaten throughout the day. When we think of nutrition, we think that the food that we eat will supply all of the necessary vitamins and minerals for good health and to help sustain life. For many of us this is true, but not for all.

For someone who has a compromised immune system, the playing field is not even. For those persons living with HIV, every day is a balancing act comprising nutrition and numerous medication and treatment regimens. The balancing act is constant, sometimes occurring hourly.

Because many HIV-related medications interact with food, those who are HIV-positive must carefully weigh appropriate and proper intake of what they eat. Understanding the synergy between nutrition and HIV-related therapies may also help reduce potential side effects.

Monitoring outcomes is also extremely important. Measuring overall body cell mass, cholesterol, tri-glycerides and hormonal levels, may help prevent and treat wasting, lipodystrophy and other HIV-related medical conditions.

We encourage you to support medical nutrition therapy at every level. We also encourage you to include a registered dietitian as part of your health team. Taking this important step is important to your well being and overall quality of life. Eat well, live well, be well.

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