Earlier this year, Numedx invited both Presidential Candidates to attend the XIII International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa, July 9-14, 2000. Unfortunately neither candidate was able to attend. Both candidates did however discuss the importance of the international effort to fight the AIDS epidemic in Africa and globally. The following are letters from both Presidential Candidates to the entire HIV/AIDS World Community, written exclusively for Numedx.
Numedx wants to make certain that our half million readers and the voting public have access to the candidates policies surrounding HIV/AIDS issues. Their policies can then be evaluated and scrutinized in the same way their policies on education and foreign policy can be reviewed.
HIV/AIDS DEBATE In addition, there is a standing formal invitation to both Presidential Candidates to debate exclusively on HIV/AIDS issues. The debate must be fostered on many levels including: print, the web and in the minds of those affected by HIV/AIDS and the people who care for them. We feel strongly that the evaluative process must also be carried into the HIV/AIDS planks for the 2000 Republican and Democratic National Conventions. We would like to thank both Vice President Gore and Governor Bush for reaching out to the HIV/AIDS Community. Now it's time to turn words into action.? Copyright 2000, Numedx, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Numedx has sent a formal invitation to Vice President Gore and Governor Bush to debate exclusively on HIV/AIDS related issues. If you support such a debate, please call, fax or e-mail the Gore and Bush Campaigns:
You must have Adobe Acrobat to read the letters.
