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An excerpt follows from the Introduction to Mental Health Care for People Living with or Affected by HIV/AIDS: A Practical Guide. The guide was developed through the collaboration of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Center for Mental Health Services, the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Mental Health, and the Health Resources and Services Administration's HIV/AIDS Bureau. As HIV invades the body, it creates rippling and profound biological and social consequences for those persons infected. In addition to attacking the body's immune system and causing a broad spectrum of health complications, HIV may present a host of mental and emotional problems by disrupting the infected person's emotional equilibrium, sense of self, relations with others, and purpose in life. HIV also has socioeconomic consequences that affect one's most basic human needs, such as housing, food, financial security, and employment. Substance abuse confounds these issues, leading to deteriorating physical and mental health, and the poor judgement that may result in risk-taking behaviors of both a sexual and criminal nature. When addictions become severe and refractory, every aspect of life is affected. The very complexity of these biological, psychological, and social needs springing from HIV infection argues in favor of an integrated and coordinated approach to care. Failure to address the needs in any one sphere can lead to a breakdown in the effectiveness of treatment in the others. As HIV approaches its third decade of existence, the changing demographics of HIV infection reinforces the need for service integration and coordination. Epidemiologic Trends New and effective medical treatments for HIV, including protease inhibitors, have had a profound effect on those living with HIV. The hope that HIV, for some, has become a chronic, treatable condition instead of a fatal one brings with it an energizing optimism-and a host of additional psychosocial complications. At the same time, there are widespread treatment implications for the future. While the death rate from HIV-related complications decreased 47 percent between 1996 and 1999, the rate of HIV infection has remained steady for some populations and is increasing in others. With those who are infected living longer, caseloads will increase, and the demand for services supporting adherence to a complex array of medical treatments will climb. These epidemiological changes, coupled with the complex biological and social needs of a growing number of people living with or affected by HIV, call for a comprehensive, coordinated, and integrated approach to care-one that recognizes the importance of mental health issues in providing services to people living with HIV. A specialized approach to HIV mental health service delivery carries many advantages for the client. Sharing the struggle with others who are living with HIV can provide a sense of mutual support, alleviate the stigma encountered in society, and promote a sense of safety. Issues of confidentiality, risk reduction, advocacy, and medication adherence may be emphasized and effectively addressed with appropriately trained staff. Efforts to reach this alienated and heavily stigmatized population require specialized and targeted approaches that involve close collaboration among a broad range of disciplines and service providers. As this manual was being developed, three themes repeatedly emerged that bear special significance for the provision of mental health services to people affected by HIV-stigma, multicultural sensitivity, and a biopsychosocial approach to care. Although these themes are woven throughout the Practical Guide, their critical impact upon service delivery warrants highlighting them in this introduction. Stigma The fear of being stigmatized keeps many from seeking services. It can also prevent many clients from remaining in treatment or adhering to a treatment regimen. The feelings resulting from stigmatization may include fear, shame, distrust, rejection, exile, guilt, isolation, hopelessness, helplessness, alienation, lack of self-worth, powerlessness, and aloneness. Empathy for those facing the painful reality of this multiple stigmatization is what propels many to work in the HIV field. Multicultural Sensitivity The culturally competent provider must be able to interact in a way that demonstrates an openness, understanding, and respect for the experiences, value systems, and beliefs of others. The culturally sensitive provider will convey to the client an appreciation of the varied cultural perceptions of power and control over one's life and an understanding of why and how clients may have learned adaptational skills that seem to promote dependency and social marginalization. Prejudgments-of how persons should have lived their lives, avoided HIV infection, or adjusted to a majority culture that all too often discriminates, stigmatizes, and oppresses-lead to a breakdown of trust. As a result, the therapeutic alliance that is the bedrock of effective intervention may be severely compromised. HIV infection has different meanings in different cultures, communities, and families. A person's internal perceptions of his/her external life is unique and evolves in large part from the individual's cultural roots. Cultures and subcultures have contrasting interpretations of what constitutes pathology, and the culturally competent provider must tread carefully in making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment. Providers should be comfortable with diverse educational levels, sexual orientations, physical and mental disabilities, substance use, class, and other psychosocial variables. Staff competence and sensitivity results from ongoing self-reflection that diminishes judgmental thinking and promotes tolerance and a sensitive curiosity toward care. By accompanying clients to public agencies to access services, providers gain an appreciation of power and control differentials. Developing a sensitivity to certain marginalized subcultures requires a willingness to enter a "virtual reality" that sees events and attitudes from the client's perspective. A Specialized Biopsychosocial Approach to Care To increase the likelihood of treatment adherence and to promote wellness, the provider must address client-specific concerns on many levels:
The biopsychosocial framework is a useful guide in assembling a specialized HIV mental health delivery system. The model helps the treatment provider to remain alert to the interactivity of disorders and stressors, to frame a complete diagnostic picture of the client, and to construct an appropriate and comprehensive treatment plan. |
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