When we first launched Numedx, we had a vision that was grounded in the idea that people could come together, working as a team, for a common cause and goal. Three years later, the entire HIV community has spoken loud and clear.
We have never promoted Numedx. We waited to see what you had to say. Every indication shows us that you agree that its time that we all work together. Healthcare providers working with their patients and patients reaching out to their doctors as a team.
Numedx began with a controlled circulation of 20,000. We are now at 110,000 with an estimated readership of 500,000 and still growing. We are a free resource and will remain that way.
Numedx is your publication and web site. It is a vehicle to communicate what you and the HIV community want to say.
Our "Alliance" section is dedicated to the healthcare professionals and providers that are such an important part of the team. It is their voice.
Our "Quality of Life" section focuses on HIV and AIDS health-related conditions that affect our overall quality of life. It is dedicated to those who wake up every day to the challenge of living with this disease. It is dedicated to those who know that life doesnt end with HIV, it is just a new beginning, a new journey.
We are proud of our first three years and are ready for more growth. But remember, Numedx belongs to you. It is one loud booming voice, based in science, focused on the entire community working for a common goal Life and the pursuit of happiness... even if that includes HIV and AIDS.
Thank you for making our vision and dream a reality. It belongs to you.