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Medication Adherence

Medication compliance or adherence is important in all chronic disease states and has been addressed in the healthcare literature for years. However, the introduction of protease inhibitor (PI) therapy gave new meaning to the challenge of medication adherence.

Medication compliance or adherence means taking all of your medications as directed by your physician. That means taking medications at the appropriate time, not missing doses, and following any special instructions. You may have to juggle taking medications several times a day, taking some medications with food, and taking others on an empty stomach. You may also experience side effects that make it very difficult not only to take all of your medications but to take them at the scheduled times. There has been a shift over the last few years to using the term adherence instead of compliance. The term adherence seems to be more reflective of the active role that patients must take in their healthcare decisions. It really doesnŐt matter which term is used as long as you understand that your active participation is required. You need to ask questions and be involved in the decisions that affect your therapy. You and your doctor need to work together to choose and set up a medication regimen that fits your lifestyle.

Adherence to your medication schedule will actually become easier if you understand how and why to take your medications. When you take an active role in the selection and management of your therapy, you gain a sense of control and confidence from knowing that you have contributed to important decisions that impact your life.

It is also important to understand why medication adherence is so vitally important to your well being. As an integral part of your care, adherence plays a role in the initial and continued success of your medication regimen. The primary goals of HIV therapy are to achieve a successful and consistent suppression of viral load and to increase your CD4 levels. Strict adherence to a selected regimen can help achieve these goals. The ultimate benefit derived from taking your medications as prescribed is becoming or staying well. If this is achieved, you can potentially decrease the frequency and duration of hospital stays, reduce the number of unscheduled physician office visits, and lessen the risk of adherencerelated viral resistance. Needless to say, the benefits derived from medication adherence can enhance the quality of your daily life.

Created by the Stadtlanders Medication Adherence Team for Numedx.

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